Lecture Notes


Prof. Cassidy





CCenter for Quantum Computation, Oxford University: http://www.qubit.com


CHow Stuff Works (Will Work) web sites:









Computers are information processing devices.

Today the information is encoded digitally, in the digits 0, 1

Processing is done by a “processor” consisting of logic circuits or “gates” that take the input, perform a series of tasks in linear sequence, then give the result in a series of 0s and 1s.


0,1 digits may be on/off states of transistors that allow flow of charge.  Flow = 1, no flow=0.

But this technology is reaching its limit in size and processing ability.

Transistors, 1947, >50 years ago; silicon microprocessors, 1971, >30 years ago.


Moore’s law–doubling of transistors on microchip every 18 months. Already at nanoscale, as discussed previously. (1 billionth of meter)


ca 2010-2020, will reach limit at the level of individual atoms and molecules. QM will come into play, voiding the “classical” computer just described.

Thus, new technologies will be needed.


Possibilities include:

1. Quantum computers.  Take advantage of the strange, “nonclassical” world of objects at the atomic level, which obey quantum mechanics.


2.  Use enormous information storage and processing power in the tiny natural supercomputers that exist w/in each cell of every living organism–DNA


Both would be capable of storing billions of times more information than any computer today.

Both would also be much faster than today’s computers, because able to perform many operations simultaneously–parallel computing.

–classical single-processor computer can perform only 1 operation at a time–linear.


BUT–both of these new possibilities are still in the theoretical stage. The ideas are less than a decade old, and technology is not yet advanced enough to produce a practical computer in either case. In fact, they may not be practical at all.

But rapid progress is being made so far. In theory at least, they will be ideally suited for certain types of computational tasks.



Quantum Computers

QM–founded in 1920s and behavior explored in >=1930s. Ca only 70 years ago.



QM has a lot of strange features not seen in our everyday, classical world. Seen only in submicroscopic atomic world.

One of these already noted in discussion of transistor–electrons orbiting in atoms can take orbit only in certain energy states–quantized.


If send in a photon, electron jumps to next state, if carries enough energy.  Can assign 0, 1 bits to ground, excited states.


But what happens when send in only fraction of energy needed?  In QM,  It has a probability to jump to next state anyway. So electron is probably in 0 state, but also has probability of being in 1, or even somewhere in between.


[coins example]

Another example: nucleus of spin ˝.  If put it in Mag field (like MRI), QM requires that it is in up or down position. Up can be 1, down 0.

But where is it if there is no mag field?  QM allows it to be up or down, or anywhere in any of the Infinite states in between.  This is called a “superposition.”

Until we “look” at it by turning on the mag field. Then it must be up or down.


If the spinning nucleus represents a bit, then when we are not interfering with it by turning on fields, it can have not just 2 values but an infinite number of values.

Such a bit is called a “quantum bit” or a “qubit.”  

It can store infinite amount of classical information, depending upon its orientation.


But unfortunately we cannot recover this information directly, because if we try to measure the angle we have to disturb the system from the outside, by turning on a mag field or sending in a photon.

When that happens, the qubit is jolted into our classical world and becomes a classical bit, up/down, 1,0.


To encompass this situation, we can think of a qubit as one unit of quantum information, containing an infinite amount of hidden classical information.

This one unit then becomes the basis for a quantum computer.



Entangled states

Strangest property of QM is that 2 or more quantum particles can become entangled with each other in such a way that the individual members do not have individual states. The group as a whole acts as a single state, and the individual particles correlate their behavior according to quantum rules.


Particles can be entangled when they collide, or when put into same energy system, e.g.  nuclei in a molecule, photons colliding, or ions in EM trap.


One quantum rule is that no 2 particles in the same energy state can have the exact same quantum properties. Eg, if one nucleus is spin up, the other must be spin down.


Another weird thing about this is that distance and time have no effect. Can be miles away from each other. If 2 nuclei are entangled, and we measure one to be spin up, then the other instantly becomes spin down.  As if the entanglement exists outside our normal space and time in some other “dimension.”


Use–transmitting information over large distances without possibility of eavesdropping, eg. In communications or cryptography (transmit a key). More below.


Computer use of entanglement


Consider 2 entangled qubits.  Can represent 4 numbers: 0--00, 1--01, 2--10, 3--11 and all numbers in between.

Classical bits–only one number can be present at any given instant.

Quantum bits–all 4 numbers are present all the time.

Can then perform different operations on these particles, then measure the state of one of them.

Once you know the state of one of them, it immediately provides information about the other, without measuring it.

The amount of information increases rapidly with the number of entangled particles,

3 gives 8 numbers, 4 gives 16 etc


Advantage: a processor can perform different calculations on each of the particles or groups of particles simultaneously and obtain all of the results together.

Quantum parallelism, unlike classical, sequential computers.



1981–Richard Feynman at Caltech suggested that parallelism could be used to make a quantum supercomputer. And that only a quantum would be able to calculate quantum properties.

1985–David Deutsch, Oxford–published a paper on quantum parallelism showing that Q computer can perform 2 different operations exploring 2 different routes to solve one problem simultaneously. So twice as fast, but it would be right only ˝ the time.


–not clear then that any advantage to Q computer. Certainly not for word processing, email etc.


1994–breakthrough. Peter Shor, computer scientist at Bell Labs, proved that a Q computer, if one could be built, could easily solve a math problem beyond the reach of normal computers.  Problem had to do with cryptography.


Cryptography today based on factoring large numbers by large prime numbers. The 2 factors are the “keys” that allow access.

EG, the number 24,288 has easily found factors of 2, 3, 11, 23–all prime.

But 24,287 is factored only by the prime numbers 149 x 163.  Hard to find

Today, 250 and 500 digit numbers are used. Normal computers would take thousands of years to factor them into primes.


Shor–presented an algorithm (steps) by which a quantum computer could exploit quantum parallelism and factor a 500-digit number in seconds.

Implications were stunning–all current cryptography would be rendered obsolete.

But new quantum crypt would be uncrackable.

This would have major consequences for military codes, e-commerce, telecommunications, etc


Shor’s work became the driving motivation for building Q computer ever since. The result was massive infusion of defense funds in US and elsewhere.


Main obstacle to Q Computer

Coherence of entangled particles is essential. But easily destroyed by interaction with outside environment. This is why we don’t see these effects in the everyday world.


Particle must be isolated at very low temperature. Attempts to combat this (quantum error correction etc) have had only little success so far.


But progress is continuing, mainly in the theoretical area, but also in the experimental phase.

Progress so far (less than a decade of work, but large amounts of funding)


1998–Los Alamos and MIT researchers

Spread a single qubit over 3 nuclear spins in a molecule, instead of just 1. The spread made it harder to corrupt the entanglement and easier to extract the quantum information.


March 2000–Los Alamos researchers created a 7-qubit computer in a single drop of supercooled liquid. Used NMR to encode classical information (0, 1) onto the bits, then were able to manipulate them in various processes.


August 2000–IBM labs. Researchers entangled 5 flourine nuclei into a 5-qubit entanglement.

They then encoded them with classical information using RF pulses, performed math operation on them, and read the result using NMR.

They solved in 1 step a simple math problem related to factoring in cryptography which would take a normal computer many steps.









Probably more practical in short term.  DNA is more stable and predictable in chemical reactions.  That’s why it works so well in genetics.


Also has potential to perform certain types of calculations many times faster because of parallel computing.


Also promises much smaller and cheaper computers.

Amazingly there are about 6 feet of DNA wrapped up into the tiny nucleus of every cell of every living organism.

Put another way, 1 ml (1 cm3) of DNA contains 10 trillion DNA molecules each holding 10 terabytes of data. Theoretically they could perform 10 trillion simultaneous calculations.


Again, work on DNA computing less than a decade old.


1994–Leonard Adleman, a computer scientists at USC, read about the Watson-Crick double-helix model of DNA from Watson’s textbook. He then showed in article in Science  how DNA computer could work.


DNA is basis of the genetic code of every living thing. DNA molecules make up the genes. So enormous amount of information in each cell.


Adleman realized that DNA stores this infomation similarly to info on a computer hard drive.

DNA uses just 4 bits: A, T, C, G bases  (Fig 1)


Every A goes only with T, G only with C.  No other pairings possible.

So eg, if bases are  AGGTTAC

the match must be                 TCCAATG


Like Shor, Adleman showed how this scheme could be used to create an algorithm to easily solve a complicated problem that would take a normal computer many steps.


The problem was “traveling salesman problem” or “directed Hamilton path problem” (see Website)


Eg:  7 cities. Get from start to end cities while touching each city once and only once.



1. Represent each city by ATCG combinations

2. Mix open strips of DNA pieces containing the city combinations in a test tube.

3. Chains of DNA represent possible answers.

4. Pick only those that have the right start and end cities and only 7 components.

5. Eliminate all wrong ones by chemical reactions.

6. The remaining strands will be the solutions.


Thus, can solve the problem essentially in 1 step, step 3, during mixing process.

But, requires human assistance to prepare and analyze the mixture; and several days to extract the correct results through chemical reactions.


Research today is to find a faster method independently of human assistance.



1997–U. Rochester researchers developed the first DNA logic gates for performing various processes.


The DNA gate detects fragments of genetic material as input, then splices them together in such a way to get the desired output.




Example:  Creating an  AND gate


One variation of an AND gate made of DNA would be the following:


            [A A]       represents a strip of DNA with two A bases


            A bases combine only with T bases

            G bases combine only with C bases


Use the DNA strip   [T C]   to serve as selector for the AND gate

Since T and C will combine with A and G, then


            [A A]     will represent 1 at the A input


            [G G]     will represent 1 at the B input  


            [T T]  and  [C C]     will represent 0 at the inputs,  since they don’t combine with T or C



Truth Table


            A                                                         B                                                         X


            [T T]   = 0                                            [C C]    = 0                                          0


            [T T]   = 0                                            [G G]    = 1                                          0


            [A A]   = 1                                           [C C]     = 0                                         0


            [A A]   = 1                                           [G G]    = 1                                 [T C] = 1

                                                                                                                        [A A][G G]




Gates like the AND gate might be combined together into a type of DNA microchip–a “biochip”


Such a chip might be used to speed up a conventional computer.



Advantages of a biochip

1. Beats Moore’s law-- More processing power in same or even smaller space.

2. There is obviously a large supply of cheap DNA.

(Potential disadvantage in ethical question about using genetic material, but does not seem to be a problem at this point)